Ep. #133 – Feat. Patrick Willems, Jake Torpey and Matt Torpey

On this week’s pod, Matt welcomes podcasters, creators, and movie nerds Patrick Willems, Jake Torpey, and Matt Torpey to the show. The three hosted the now-retired “We Heart Hartnett” podcast and can currently be heard on “Can’t Get Enough Of Keanu.” They are also the collaborative force behind Patrick’s Youtube channel “Patrick (H) Willems.”

Matt and the gents discuss the origins of “We Heart Hartnett” and, once it was completed, how and why they chose Keanu Reeves as their new subject. They get into the work that keeps Patrick’s channel running, and share some of their collaborative process. Matt also gets the deets on upcoming merch, videos on the horizon, and favorite Keanu movies.

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