CCP Ep. #77: Vapor City by Machinedrum | Featuring Hops

Album art

Today we explore the layered worlds of Glitch-Hop and Chillwave with an album called Vapor City by Machinedrum. This album review is brought to us by today’s guest, the talented rapper, Hops. Afterwards, stick around for an interview and learn how Hops cultivated his knack for wordsmithing. In fact, stay a bit more and you may find a treat to close us out.

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CCP Ep. #72: MK III by Steam Powered Giraffe | Featuring Nelson Lugo

We’re returning to an old favorite this week with the cheerful theatrics of three musical robots: Steam Powered Giraffe. Incidentally, another old favorite (guest Nelson Lugo), is returning to us! For review, he delivers us Steam Powered Giraffe’s third studio release, MK III. (To hear our review of their second album, see Ep. #39!) And stick around, because after this fun-filled excursion through the band’s most daring product yet, we get to hear all about Nelson’s excursions through the world of magic and theater, namely his upcoming show, “Gathering the Magic.” Enjoy!

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CCP Ep. #69: An Evening of John Williams | Featuring Nate Rider

Tonight we take a short breather from album reviews to direct our attention toward the foremost film score composer of our time — the stalwart master of his craft, John Williams. Joining us for this very special epis-“ode” is returning guest Nate Rider, armed with his vast knowledge of film and pop culture. Together, we discuss John Williams’ major works, the films at large, the scope of his contributions, and the films’ greater cultural impact.

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CCP Ep. #63: Leaving Eden by Carolina Chocolate Drops | Featuring Painless Parker

This week we’re joined by our guest, manic mandolinist Painless Parker, who invites us to explore the rich history of American Folk music. After starting us off with a treat performance, he introduces this week’s album review: Leaving Eden by Carolina Chocolate Drops. Then, after another performance, we get to talk about Painless as an artist, his background, and how he grew to attain a cult following within the Steampunk community and abroad. Oh, and for the subway enthusiast, be sure to remain all the way to the bumper block.

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Band Bonding: An Interview with Godsticks

After our raving review of The Envisage Conundrum by the incomparable UK-based Prog trio, Godsticks (in Episode #51), we were delighted to hear that the artists themselves had listened in and had shared our discussion with their fans. Naturally, we took this opportunity to learn as much as we could about the individuals behind the talent. And so we invite you to peruse the insights of Darran Charles, Steve Roberts, and Dan Nelson of the acclaimed Godsticks in this special overseas interview

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CCP Ep. #48: Running with Scissors by ‘Weird Al’ Yankovic | Featuring Gary & Nate of Average Intelligence

This week we’re joined by the indomitable Gary Oransky and Nate Rider (a.k.a. Gary_O & JediN8) from the Average Intelligence Podcast. Apart from taking our weekly digressions to even scarier frontiers, they also deliver us our first music-comedy album, “Weird Al” Yankovic’s biting answer to the 1990s, Running with Scissors. Afterwards, Gary and Nate discuss their panoptical role on Average Intelligence as the self-described “bastard children of Pop Culture and Momma Media.” And so, what better way to wrap up a pop culture discussion than to sit back and gab about film sequels!

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CCP Ep. #45: Tabu! Volume 1 | Featuring Kita St. Cyr

Today we’re delighted to welcome another charming burlesque artist, the creative and talented Kita St. Cyr, who presents us with our album of the week: Tabu! Volume 1, a 1960s compilation of Exotica, Rockabilly, Blues, and you name it! We also receive a fascinating lesson on Exotica as a genre, and of course get the inside scoop on Kita and her art.

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CCP Ep. #44: An Evening with The Waysties

Today’s rowdy gathering of antics and philosophy is brought to you by a local Brooklyn talent and treasure, self-described “Celt-ish” cover band, The Waysties. Join us as we interview them on everything from the band’s origins to their influences, side-projects, hobbies, interests, and much more! We also dive into a big discussion on Steampunk as a movement and a form of expressionism. To top it all off, the band treats us to some live performances, so stay on your toes!

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CCP Ep. #36: R.E.V.O. [EP] by Walk Off The Earth | Featuring Joe ‘Rude’

It’s finally time to tackle our first EP, an original work by Walk off the Earth called R.E.V.O., which we discuss alongside a selection of self-released covers. This rare combo-review comes courtesy of our guest, the enterprising thespian known as “Joe Rude” of The Kings of Karaoke and of The Society of American Fight Directors.  He tells us a bit about Karaoke as a business, and also as a haven for quelling inhibitions, one show at a time. Stick around at the end for a treat performance!

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CCP Ep. #35: The Champagne Music of Lawrence Welk | Featuring Hazel Honeysuckle

Welcome, welcome… or should I say, “thank ya, thank ya,” because this week we’re traveling to the bygone days of Lawrence Welk with his 1960s compilation album, The Champagne Music of Lawrence Welk. This review is brought to us by today’s guest, the lovely Hazel Honeysuckle, a talented NYC-based burlesque performer who enlightens us with her unique perspective on music as an on-stage tool, as well as a brief history of burlesque and its resurgence as a popular performance art.

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